Eco Church

Eco Church

Looking after God's creation

Eco Church is organised by A Rocha UK to help churches become more environmentally aware and to care more effectively for God’s amazing creation.

To achieve eco church status, churches work through five key areas of church life: buildings, land, worship, community and lifestyle. Hereford Diocese launched as an Eco Diocese in September 2019.

Bronze status

Wildflowers in the churchyard

St Laurence’s registered in 2019 and due to the efforts of many people over the years, found they had already reached Bronze award level. In September 2019, the PCC agreed that Eco Church should become a regular item on PCC agenda and that parish services would include quarterly prayers for Eco Church/A Rocha.

All Saints registered in 2020 and quickly reached Bronze award by October 2020. St Michael’s has also now registered and reached bronze award in September 2022.

Silver status

St Laurence’s was delighted to achieve the Eco Church Silver Award level (the second Anglican church in the Diocese closely followed by Hereford Cathedral) in November 2020.

Working towards Gold level Eco Church awards for all three Stretton Parish churches by 2030

Next steps

Our next steps include the establishment of an environmental committee reporting directly to the PCC which will focus on steps to achieve Zero Carbon and a longer term challenge for all three churches to aim to achieve Gold level by 2030. This would be challenging indeed!

Regular eco tips now appear in our weekly newsletter Contact. We hope monthly climate prayers will resume in the near future as well as quarterly meetings of ‘Messy Church Outdoors’. Please visit this page again for details or contact us.

All our plans are underpinned by a desire to grow in our understanding of our human impact on the planet. We trust it will lead to lifestyle changes, and so demonstrate our commitment to caring for God’s wonderful creation.

If you’d like to know more or get involved, please contact the Church Office.

Bug house for Eco Church
Eco Church A Rocha UK logo

Silver level Eco Church

St Laurence

Eco Church A Rocha UK logo

Bronze level Eco Church

St Michael's

Eco Church A Rocha UK logo

Bronze level Eco Church

All Saints