Stretton Foodbank
Stretton Foodbank
The Stretton Foodbank was created by the local Churches Together and is located in Church Stretton, near Shrewsbury, in South Shropshire. It is supported by volunteers and the local Rotary Club.
Food is available to any families, couples and individuals in our locality who find themselves without the means to buy food. The Foodbank stocks fresh fruit and vegetables, eggs, cheese, bread, packaged and tinned food, cleaning and personal hygiene products.
Stretton Foodbank is located at the Parish Centre in Church Street and is open from 2.30pm to 4pm each Friday. No appointment or referral is needed, so simply come during our open hours. If you are unable to come at these times, or if you urgently need food, please do contact Richard & Lorraine McCrohan by email or on 07561 693870, or contact the Mayfair Community Centre on 01694 722077.
Want to help? Donating to the Foodbank
We’re always grateful for the community’s support of the Foodbank. This can either be financial or food.
If you would like to make a financial donation, you can donate with Churchsuite, or directly to the bank by BACS using the bank details listed on this page, or by cheque, payable to ‘Church Stretton PCC’. Please write ‘Foodbank’ on the back of the cheque and send to the Parish Centre. If you would like an acknowledgment please email the Treasurer with the details of your gift.
Please note we bank with CAF Bank which means some banking software can’t verify our details, so just ignore the warning message you may see.
If you would like to gift aid your gift please download a Gift Aid declaration form, complete the form and either send it to the Parish Centre, or scan the completed form and email it to the Treasurer.
If you would like to donate food, please put donated items in the Foodbank bin in the Co-Op in Church Stretton. Each week we publish a request for items we need on our Facebook page and other social media.
If you have any questions about the Foodbank, want to know more about its impact on our parish, or to get involved, contact Richard & Lorraine McCrohan, Foodbank Coordinators by email or on 07561 693870.
Foodbank Referrals
If you’re a referring agency and want to refer clients to us, please visit our Foodbank Referrals page.
Foodbank opening hours
Every Friday, 2.30pm to 4pm
Foodbank address
St Laurence’s Parish Centre
Church Street, Church Stretton
Foodbank emergency contact
Richard & Lorraine McCrohan, Foodbank Coordinators
Contact by email →
07561 693870
Looking for more support?
Shropshire support links →
Bank details for donations
Bank: CAF Bank Ltd
Account name: Church Stretton PCC
Sort code: 40-52-40
Account number: 00090571
Reference: Foodbank