Children and Youth
Children and Youth Work
Discoverers for 3-11 year olds
Held at St Laurence’s on the 1st to 3rd Sundays at 10:30am. We join with the church family at the 10.30am service and then leave after 10 minutes to go over to the main hall of the Parish Centre where we start our time with some worship songs. We then divide into two groups for our learning time when we explore a Bible event or theme, often play games, make crafts and generally have some fun!
Children from KS1 and younger meet either in the Owen Room or upstairs in the Parish Centre, depending on the activities they are taking part in.
Children from KS2 remain in the main hall.
Youth Life Group
We meet on Sundays during school term time at the Parish Centre between 5pm-6.30pm. We look at issues in the world today which are particularly relevant and challenging for our young people – issues such as identity, prejudice and social justice and explore these issues from a Christian perspective. We aim to provide a safe space for everyone to be able to talk about big issues and we hope to foster a curiosity about the Christian faith in an open and transparent manner. Refreshments provided! Contact David Andrews if you are interested in coming along.
3-11 year olds
St Laurence’s
1st to 3rd Sundays, 10:30am
Youth Life Group
11-18 year olds
Sundays at Stretton Parish Centre 5pm-6.30pm
Working with our children

Sally Clilverd
Children and Families Worker