St Michael's church
Online Services
As well as in-person services at St Michael’s, you can join us from home for our recorded service from 10am on Sundays. Watch our services on YouTube.
St Michael and All Angels, All Stretton
The church's history
St Michael and All Angels Church is a small village church in the Parish of Church Stretton. It was opened in 1902 as an Anglican Church. The Church is built of stone from the local quarry and is set in a hillside garden, about 280 metres from the centre of the village.
When the United Reformed Chapel in the village had to close in the 1980s for repair, the congregation of St Michael’s offered the use of their church when it was not in use on Sunday afternoons in winter and Sunday evenings in summer.
However the two congregations later chose to merge and in 1994 a Local Ecumenical Partnership was set up between the Anglicans and the URC.
The local community
The village of All Stretton has always had a strong sense of community and cohesion, much of which centres on the Village Hall and in whose life St. Michael’s people join with enthusiasm. The keen flower arrangers from the village help to make the church look most attractive for special occasions.
If you’d like to find out about services at St Michael’s, visit our Services page.