Our purpose

Making Jesus known

Our purpose as a parish is to make Jesus known

Central to this is our dependence upon the Holy Spirit, prayer and God’s word. Each of us brings our gifts and skills to be used together as a Parish, to Make Jesus Known.

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Walking with God

This means that we help each other to become faithful followers of Jesus seeking to live out our faith amidst the challenges of our daily lives.

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Growing community

This means that we seek to be a visible presence in the Strettons community, building relationships with those who live and work here and offering everyone the opportunity to belong and to believe.

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Serving the Strettons

This means that we seek to 'love our neighbours' by walking alongside them through the 'ups' and 'downs' of life and looking out for their needs.

A summary of our Purpose and 5 Year Plan was presented to the PCC in January 2023.  Click here to download and read it.

If you’d be interested in helping us fulfil our vision,  attend one of our services or events or contact us.